Department: Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Date: August 30, 2019 To:
The event Appathon was conducted on August 30, 2019 by MD club of CSE department. The students from first, second and third years have participated in this event. Around 93 members had enrolled for the event. The event had 3 rounds, and cash prices. The first prize was Rs. 1500, the second prize was of Rs. 500. The first round was a quiz, based on Android. The second round was called Find the Logo. In this round, various logos were displayed, and the participant had to find the corresponding name. The next round is coding based on QR code. QR codes were placed around the college, each QR Code had a link to the next QR code. After collecting the 5 QR codes, the participants had to decipher the program hidden in the QR code and find the output of the program.